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YOU’RE HIRED!: Tips on How to Get the Perfect Job the iHRBuddy Way

“Smile. Try to be conversational, do not be nervous and just have fun!”

Genuine Miguel, Chief Human Resources Manager, iHRBuddy

Genuine is the current Chief HR Manager of iHR Buddy who oversees the recruitment, training, and development of all employees within the organization. Let’s get to know him a bit further in this blog and hopefully get bits of inspiration which may come in handy with our careers.

For Genuine, a potential candidate will stand out in an interview depending on several factors: (1) most important thing is for someone who is fluent in English communications skills, may it be in written or oral, as we are a multinational company who mainly interacts with stakeholders across the globe; (2) work experience with virtual assistance, or related job title, makes a difference and provides and edge for an applicant; (3) work-from-home setup implies for someone to have good equipment, stable Internet connection and available back-up plans to ensure deliverables are met; (4) and last but not the least, work attitude is very important as skills will always be teachable to an individual but their attitude towards work is something innate or something rooted for every individual.

First impressions do not necessarily last and reflect an individual’s totality. He noted that we may only know a person and his/her story on a superficial level, but we will never get to know their struggles and journey in their own lives. There might be some who would give a really great impression, but HR personnel are keen when it comes to distinguishing applicants with flowery words and pretentious answers.

Cliché as it may sound but we asked him the question: Where do you see yourself in 5 years and do you still want to be part of iHR Buddy? Genuine answered, “Of course!”, as long as the company would want him to be part of it and that he sees the importance or value which he can provide for iHR Buddy. He furthered that it’s not just about work that keeps him in his role, but there is a deeper purpose in him why he is passionate and strives to better himself as an HR Manager: to provide alternative work and opportunities for people, especially in this pandemic, and this ultimately provides a win-win situation for the applicants, employees and iHR Buddy as a whole. He has also cited that it gives him great sense of fulfilment when someone whom he previously handled has transcended and succeeded in his career within iHR Buddy — Celine Marie Refol whom he considers as one of his greatest achievements as an HR recruiter and gives him that fulfilment that he is a part of a journey which adds value for the company.

Just like anybody else, he himself encounters numerous challenges throughout his journey as this is inevitable. When asked as to which he considers as tremendous challenge Genuine has encountered in his HR Manager position, it would be on the challenge of encouraging or ensuring employees stay with the organization, keep attrition rate at controllable level, ensure client subscription is at optimal level, and employees’ reception of company policies and regulations are well-received.

In line with the above mentioned, Genuine is true to the fact that regulations, rules and policies are not always being followed. There may be gaps or lapses from employees’ side — especially when they are in a contractual setup — but iHR Buddy gives an allowance and does not consider immediate termination for employees with violation. The organization may be lenient at times but they still ensure strict implementation of such policies and regulations as this is very detrimental with workplace governance and disciplining not only at employees’ level but also considering the organization as a whole.

On a personal note, Genuine is fond of spending his leisure time with family and loved ones to enable himself to have a balance between work and life. He himself admits that he has more commitment with his role and iHR Buddy yet tries his best to find that balance with his personal life and responsibilities.

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