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Project Management Tools and Its Wonders For Virtual Teams

Every business owner and project managers need to have a systemic way to plan and execute the whole process of project management. To make sure that a project goes as smoothly as possible and tasks are assigned to the right people and finished on time, communication is key. This is even more important, especially when dealing with remote or virtual teams.

However, the tricky part is that a lot of project heads might find communicating a challenge when the people they need to work with, like Virtual Assistants, cannot be there personally, to talk to, when there are things that had to be worked out on. This is where project management tools come in handy. Here’s why:

Organization and Planning

Mapping out the steps or processes in executing a project, takes a lot of time in the planning phase of any project.

Project management tools can help you organize the tasks; to which part of the process they belong to, as well as to whom these will be assigned to. You can indicate which tasks are dependent on other tasks. This will help your teamwork more efficiently, and save you so much time.

Accessibility and Centralization

Project management tools are web-based and can be accessed on mobile phones or laptops. This can provide your virtual team a shared calendar, for better coordination.

You can also input contacts for better communication, regarding the tasks, and the ability to share documents; making the information needed for the tasks, centralized and accessible. You can also decide if you would like to limit anyone’s access to folders or documents in the project.


Tracking the progress of a project becomes easier with the use of project management tools. Since there are a shared calendar and centralized folders for tasks and documents, tracking how much time is spent per assignment becomes easier. As a project manager or business owner, you can easily estimate the amount of time your virtual team still needs, until the project is finished.


Since the project management tool is web-based, this gives you the ability to collaborate in real-time. You can pass information to and fro, as well as make edits or put comments on documents once they are uploaded in the shared folders. This helps you manage your virtual team, as well as your time more efficiently, as any issues can be addressed as soon as possible, improving the whole team’s productivity.

Managing a project with a virtual team isn’t as hard as it seems when you know how to communicate and what tools to use. Use the project management tools with your virtual team effectively by identifying what needs to be done, including the tasks associated with every step of the process, and then delegate them to the right people. Make sure that each task includes clear instructions on how to accomplish them, as well as know which ones have to be prioritized.

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